Details for the Community Day have now been finalized! You can click on the flyer above for a pdf with all the information, or see below:


Turtle Haven – Sunday, October 23

10 am to 12 pm Yoga Breathing and Restoratives to Brighten Your Spirit

Learn a sequence of yoga breathing and restorative poses to help you feel brighter and lighter in spirit as we navigate the darker days of autumn and winter. Take home a handout with the poses that could be your prescription for a happier few months ahead!

Cost $20

12:15 to 1:15 Philosophy Circle and Meditation on Santosha or Contentment  

We will consider with more depth our relationship to our own desires and how to navigate the inner territories of acceptance, while sustaining our motivation to move forward in our lives.

Cost: Donation requested of $5 to $10 for Maher Ashram

1:30 to 3   Potluck Lunch, Bring a dish to share

3:00 to 5:00   Kirtan guided by Paul Millage

For more about Paul or to contact him, see

Cost: Donation of $5 to $15

Please register by October 16th so carpooling may be organized! Register with a check for class, kirtan; email or call for lunch, philosophy circle. 360.303.3892