Archive for April, 2018

Garden Work at Turtle Haven!

We are looking for someone who may be interested in working in our gardens, doing weeding and other garden tasks! We are open to trade, and this could include for yoga classes,  counseling, mentoring, and/or for a stay in the Forest Hermitage for a retreat. We will also be glad to pay money for gardening tasks. Please let me know if you are aware of someone who might enjoy this very part time work on our land, and who you imagine may be a good fit with the vision of this beautiful place. Or perhaps you yourself have time and interest! Please respond by email to or 360-303-3892. IMG_0930

Tea and Skipping Town

Tomorrow April 11th begins the Spring Quarterfor the Wednesday class series, and I will be in Vancouver BC for an evening performance, so Charlotte will initiate the new quarter! Please come and enjoy her wonderful teaching, and I will look forward to seeing those who come to Wednesday evening yoga at Turtle Haven next week!

On another note, next Tuesday, April 17th, after the morning yoga class, those who wish to join in, are welcome to come to The Forest Hermitage for tea and a tour– and just enjoying one another’s company! We will organize to walk or drive down to the VERY nearby retreat house just after class. There is a rumor of crumpets perhaps appearing! Wednesday students who are available are of course welcome to join us.


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