Category: Schedule Updates

For those planning ahead for Autumn, here is our flyer announcing the next retreat at Turtle Haven with Ravi.We’re especially excited for this theme! There will as always also be a public talk on Friday of the retreat. Let me know if you have any questions; other announcements will be forthcoming.

Autumn Yoga Classes

Elizabeth Kerwin - Autumn 2013 Yoga Classes

Elizabeth’s summer classes continue into the first two weeks of September, after Labor Day. The autumn schedule can be viewed in the flyer here (and above). Please contact Elizabeth if you have questions or wish to register!

This Friday, Oct 18th, at 7:30PM, Ravi Ravindra will be giving a public talk at 8 Petals Yoga Studio.  Please come – the public is welcome to participate!


As the glorious summer days continue to grace us with sun and abundance, a few subtle signs of waning light and the transition towards autumn gradually reveal themselves. We notice the invitation towards more inner reflection as we move into a new cycle of harvest, then quiet, and the revitalization of our spiritual exploration which comes with Ravi Ravindra’s wisdom, heart and presence. He returns October 18th through 20th, in the usual format, with a Friday public talk in Bellingham at 8Petals Yoga Studio and a Saturday and Sunday weekend retreat in Deming. Our theme this time will be “Journey of the Soul: Self Knowledge and Self Transformation.” Weather permitting, we also plan for time to walk the labyrinth, and to enjoy the forest and river trails, and the ever evolving land and shrines of Turtle Haven (retreat site).

Ravi Ravindra Fall 2013 Retreat Flier Image

To get a pdf of the flyer, click on the image above.

Summer Yoga Classes!


I will soon send out the email announcing summer classes; here is the flyer for this round (or click on image above). As always in summer, you may sign up for classes that will fit for your summer schedule, and the tuition structure is different than that of the other seasons and quarters! Remeber that Spring Quarter is still in session, and there will be no classes this Monday, Memorial Day. Hope you are enjoying your holiday week-end!

Our Feeling Yogi class will now be from NOON UNTIL 3 PM ON MAY 4TH. This change in timing is to accommodate those who will move on to the SPECIES PARADE AT 4pm. This parade is a wonderful event, in case you have missed it in the past!

UPDATE: Elizabeth has decided that late notification for the content of the April 20th class means it would be better to reschedule the same class for May 4th, still at 8Petals from 1 to 4 pm.

Dear Friends,

This coming Saturday, April 20th, On Saturday, May 4th, I will offer a Saturday afternoon Deepening Yoga class at 8Petals from 12 to 3 pm from 1 to 4:00 pm, with a focus on working with emotions within the context of yoga practice.

The Feeling Yogi: Emotions, Svadyaya or Self Reflection, and the Practice of Yoga

Our emotional natures have a place within practice, though there is not much guidance directly offered in the classical yoga scriptures suggesting how we might utilize our feeling selves within the inner search that is at the heart of the journey. We will honor the emotional dimension, and consider fruitful approaches to working with the gifts of our feeling selves, especially as this emerges within our practice in class, or on our own.  We will practice asana, pranayama, and meditation geared towards soothing our emotional bodies, based on a practice sequence offered by BKS Iyengar in his book Light on Life. Please bring an image or altar object that reflects something of your emotional relationship with your practice of yoga.

The tuition will be $30 to $45 for the class; please inquire about bartering if you need to pay less. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions in advance via email or phone.
“ If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. ”
May these days of Spring bring each of us inner nourishment and vitality.
Sending warm greetings, Elizabeth

Ravi Ravindra will once again be returning to Bellingham, this time to explore the presence of love in the Bhagavad Gita and the Gospel of John. There will be a Public Talk and Meditation on Friday April 12.There will be a retreat at Turtle Haven in Deming on Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th.

ravi flier revised march 2013 jpg

To get a pdf of the flyer, click on the image above.



Spring Quarter begins March 18 and runs through June 6th. For all details click on the above CORRECTED image for a CORRECTED pdf. You can also go to Elizabeth’s google calendar to see the CORRECT complete schedule.

Celebrate MLK day with yoga and Elizabeth!

Yes, there is class on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr Day. An appropriate way to commemorate the great man.

AND Elizabeth will be back!

Winter Quarter Starts Monday!

For the first two weeks of the quarter, as Elizabeth soaks up life in India, we will get to experience class with Iyengar teacher Maria Bacher. 

For full info on the quarter, click on the flyer image below to get pdf:


Winter Quarter Flyer!

Winter Quarter begins Jan. 7 and runs through March 14th. For the winter flyer, click on the image below to get a pdf. 