Archive for May, 2012


Everyone is invited to a benefit kirtan for Maher Ashram in Pune, India. Maher Ashram is, in their own words:  A vision where, through sheer love, understanding and caring, distressed and traumatized women and children from rural India, are given hope and the right to a better life, irrespective of caste, creed or religion.

Shantala will be playing the kirtan and you can read more about them here. Click on the image above to download a pdf of the flyer.

Tickets are available AT BOTH BELLINGHAM FOOD CO-OPS or from Elizabeth! She’s also happy to answer your questions about Shantala, kirtan or Maher Ashram.

Matthew Sanford, paraplegic yogi, on NPR

Elizabeth has mentioned Mathew Sanford and his writing before, a book called “Waking.” He is the subject of a piece on NPR which they describe as: “An unusual take on the mind-body connection with author and yoga teacher Matthew Sanford. He’s been a paraplegic since the age of 13. He shares his wisdom for us all on knowing the strength and grace of our bodies even in the face of illness, aging, and death.”

An Invitation to Kirtan on May 22

You are welcome to come to Turtle Haven on May 22nd for an informal kirtan with Paul Millage! You may bring a poem or a song, or just enjoy those of others. Please let me know you are coming so I may consider parking and carpooling options if needed.

In the Words of Mr. Iyengar