Category: Other Interests

Dear Friends,
Coming in November is an opportunity to engage in a daylong retreat exploring DREAM TENDING with Jillian Froebe.  Per Jillian:
Many of you know that this form of inquiry is one of my deepest passions and that dream images comprise the only “foreign” language I have studied for over forty years!  Some often ask when I will offer a daylong workshop on Dreams in our beloved community, so I have heeded the call from Stillpoint and will do so on Saturday, November 9, 9am-3:30 pm. Even if you don’t regularly remember your nighttime dreams, this retreat  will honor life as a waking dream as well. I would be honored to have you join us in this collective exploration of the mysteries offered in our waking and sleeping dreamtime.

May the clarity of these autumn days and nights bless your being,


Illumination From Within - The Listening Dreamer - Jillian Froebe - Nov 2013

Our dreams arrive as gifts from Soul, originating in Divine wisdom  far greater than our rational, waking consciousness. Our dreams are not bound by cognitive, linear restrictions; they speak in the language of poetry, image and symbol.  Dreams shed light on how we may live more deeply from our authentic selves, revealing truths not always apparent in our conscious, waking state.

With societal emphasis on productivity and speed, it is often challenging to take time to listen to dreams and allow them to unfold.  In this day together, we will enter kairos time and honor the wisdom many indigenous cultures have accessed and revered while we apprentice ourselves to the mystery held within our own and each other’s dreams.  We will offer ourselves to what waking and sleeping dreams whisper, what doors they open, and what thresholds they beckon us to cross.  In our gathered community we will tend to dreams offered, befriend the images, listen to what stories they tell and what they ask of us.

  • DATE AND TIME: Saturday, November 9th, 2013, from 9:00am-3:30pm. 
  • COST: $45 (sliding scale and work exchange available). Registration required; deposit of $20 requested to hold your space. Coffee and tea provided. Bring your lunch or a simple potluck dish to share.
  • LOCATION: Stillpoint At Beckside, 1625 Huntley Rd., Bellingham, WA 98226
  • FACILITATOR: Jillian Froebe, MA, ATR
  • CONTACT/RSVP: Contact Linda Conroy at 360-733-9414 or
  • MAIL PAYMENT TO: Stillpoint, c/o 908 Indiana, Bellingham, WA 98225.

Jillian Froebe, MA, ATR, is an ordained Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Director and Companion, Labyrinth Facilitator and Expressive Arts Psychotherapist and Teacher.  Jillian has lived and practiced in Whatcom County for 23 years where she guides individuals and groups in connecting body, mind and spirit in the quest for meaningful relationship with Divinity.  Her passion for integrating sacred arts and dream tending takes many forms, all incorporating and honoring the foundational practice of witnessing.  She has an abiding commitment to enliven awareness of interdependence and sustainability of our innate and collective resources.


Greetings Yoga Friends,

This letter presents an offer to participate in an Authentic Movement class at 8Petals; Jillian is a wonderful teacher, and this form complements profoundly the inner work of “witnessing” in yoga. Let me know if I can answer any questions, as I have a strong relationship with this form in addition to yoga. Warmly, Elizabeth 

Dear Friends,

Beware! This is a rather lengthy letter!

Nearly forty years ago, Joseph Chilton Pearce wrote A Crack in the Cosmic Egg, a title that surfaces as I

gaze at this image that recently appeared on a wall at Turtle Haven.  According to Pearce and many others,

we have access to a primary consciousness on which our ego-consciousness is based. A human being can

exist in the realm of ego identity and in the realm of this ever wondrous primary process. Ego-consciousness

is individualized; to a great degree, we all collectively share in a primary, unitive mode of consciousness, what

the mystics call direct experience or what Jung calls the collective unconscious. During my twenty years of

practicing Authentic Movement, I have been blessed to access this embodied state that names and transcends

“second hand reality” comprised primarily of beliefs and projections.  This form has become the foundation of

all my relationships as well as my spiritual practice.

I last offered an authentic movement training in 2008.  Some have inquired about opportunities to more deeply and

consistently explore the practice of Authentic Movement and perhaps share it with a friend or significant

other.   As I live into the vision of creating a more accessible and sustained local practice community, I am now

prepared to initiate an Authentic Movement laboratory and witness its evolution, trusting in this practice to call those

who will be served by an integrated way…

  • to experience deep listening
  • to receive and follow the inherent wisdom of the body
  • to give creative form and expression to what one notices
  • to move awareness with sustained presence
  • to compassionately and truthfully witness Self and other
  • to embody reciprocity in relationship though mutual service
  • to access unitive states of consciousness in community

One of Authentic Movement’s central teachings is: as we more clearly see, the more clearly we, too, are seen.

It is a form that is sometimes playful, sometimes emotive, sometimes mysterious and sometimes contemplative

and often a spontaneous, simultaneous soup pot of all these states of being and more.

No previous movement experience is required.

If you are an experienced practitioner, you are welcome to share this information with men and women you

imagine are interested or would be served by experiencing what has been an integral part of your path.

Please ask them to email me to set up an informational interview.

If you have no previous experience, are curious and would like to have a conversation that contributes to greater

clarity about this discipline, please let me know.

This laboratory will be held at 8 Petals Studio, 1317 Commercial Street in downtown Bellingham

on 8 Tuesdays, 2/7, 2/21, 2/28, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 5/1 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

with a culminating longer session on Saturday, 5/12 from 1-5 p.m. at Turtle Haven Sanctuary in Deming.

The irregular rhythm is due to my previously arranged travel schedule.

If you know, in advance, you will not be able to attend any of these sessions, please contact me to discuss this.

The sliding fee for this series is $280 to $340, with payment plans or limited scholarships available as needed.

As the size of this practice group is limited, to secure a place, please send a $75 deposit or the full tuition

by January 17, payable to Jillian Froebe, 6551 Rutsatz Road, Deming, WA 98244.

The planetary call to co-create spaces and practices that contribute to the necessary shifting of consciousness is clear.

This is one of many paths.  If you are indeed moved to explore and express in this way, I welcome your presence.

Thank you for taking the time to read so many words!

With loving blessings for the New Year,


Jillian Froebe  360.319.8704

” seeker of truth…follow no path…all paths lead where…truth is here” ~ e. e. cummings 

“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”  A.L. Tennyson

Please send your healing thoughts and prayers for Katie and Andy, and their son Isaac, a local family facing some great challenges; Katie is pregnant with a second child, and Andy is undergoing cancer treatment. Because Andy is unable to work at this time, several teachers at 8Petals are collecting donations for the family; please offer anything you can—even a dollar really will help as it accumulates with other donations! Checks may be made out to Andy Rodrigues, and will deposited in a special WECU account set up for this purpose. You may pass along a check to me, Stacey Williams, Charlotte Sather, or Susan Donofrio and we will be making deposits into the WECU account. Katie is a massage therapist and a yoga teacher, and Andy is a carpenter.

Bottled Water

Dear Friends in Yoga,

Please look at the November issue of the Co-op Newsletter, and read an article I wrote about purchasing bottled water, and the need for us to find alternatives for our own health, and the life of our precious planet. Please encourage your friends and family to read this article if they are still buying bottled water. You can download the newsletter here.