Archive for August, 2012

ImageThe summer is winding down along with the summer quarter. Elizabeth’s classes resume on Tuesday this week. (No classes on Labor Day.) Remember to make-up any missed classes during these last weeks of the quarter! For a calendar of the remaining classes, go here.

(above, Monet’s “Japanese Bridge”)


Elizabeth is on vacation this week, so it’s a great time to develop that home practice and work on some of the new breathing practices we’ve been exploring.

Classes resume on Tuesday!

Survival Prayer, the Film: What it is and How to Help

This is one of the most poetic and poignant expressions of the preciousness of our beautiful planet that I have seen; it is a film that takes one on an inner journey of meaning and beauty, and I hope many people will see it, and be moved by its medium and message! If you can, please support its launching by going here — it has important work to do in our world, offered in a beautiful way….

For a pdf of the flyer, click on the image above or go here.

Schedule and Tuition:

At 8Petals yoga studio in downtown Bellingham

Friday           7:30 pm – Public Talk and Meditation led by Ravi

At Turtle Haven sanctuary in deming

Saturday      9:00 am – 10:15 am Optional yoga class

10:45 am – 5:00 pm  Sessions with Ravi

Sunday        9:00  am – 10:15 am Optional yoga class

10:45 am – 3:00 pm Sessions with Ravi


Sliding Fee of $175 to $195. Limited scholarships and bartering available. Morning yoga classes additional $12 each.

For those attending only the Friday evening talk, cost is $15 with part of the proceeds going to Maher Ashram (

Questions? Contact Elizabeth  or 360-303-3892

The Upcoming Kirtan: What it’s really all about

You can read here more about Maher Ashram – the work of Sister Lucy and what the upcoming kirtan – all the music, the chanting and the gathering – is really all about, in an article here. Or go to the Maher Ashram site itself:


And here again, all the info about the kirtan – all are welcome!

The Heart and Purpose of Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras

The Yoga Sutras attributed to Patañjali and the Bhagavad Gita are the two classical texts of yoga, but their approaches to yoga are very different, even though both of them aim at freedom from what one calls oneself.

The Yoga Sutras aims at attaining samadhi, which is defined by Patañjali as emptying of oneself,  by working at diminishing all the obstructions to it. It is mainly devoted to the mental discipline of cultivating a counter-flow to all the usual tendencies of the mind, thereby gradually leading to deeper and deeper meditation.

The yoga taught in the Bhagavad Gita is aimed at fulfilling dharma, that is to say responsibility for the maintenance of order, at all levels—within oneself, in the family, in the society, on the planet and in the cosmos. Therefore, there is naturally much attention given to right action, sacred knowledge and love in this book, perhaps the single most important text to originate from India.

Although the main focus will be on the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, occasionally attention will be drawn to the many similarities and differences in the other spiritual traditions, especially in the Gospel of John, long considered the spiritual gospel among the canonical gospels, and the non-canonical gospels of Thomas and Philip.

There will be optional asana and pranayama classes (paid for separately) with Elizabeth Kerwin, as well as self reflection exercises and some singing and chanting, as a part of the workshop.  The participants are welcome to attend the optional yoga classes with some asanas and pranayama before the formal workshop on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

For more information about Ravi go here: Ravi

Questions? Contact Elizabeth at or 360-303-3892

BKS Iyengar Breathing

Click the image below to see the youtube video of Mr. Iyengar breathing that Elizabeth mentioned in class. It’s impressive.

Benefit Kirtan – Sunday August 19th!

Gina Sala and Steve Gorn are highly accomplished musicians, and we welcome back the gifts and presence of Heather and Benjy Wertheimer as well, to Bellingham, so soon again after the June kirtan at Presence Studio! Gina has graciously offered to donate a percentage of the proceeds from this event to once again benefit Maher Ashram. I welcome you joining us for what will be a lovely evening of song, spirit and heart opening singing and musical enjoyment! Please note, tickets are less expensive in advance. I will sell some, and they will also be at the Food Co-op. Children’s tickets are just $5, so bring yours and your grandkids along! This is music that may be enjoyed by all ages!

Elizabeth Kerwin Yoga is now on Facebook!

Because so many people use Facebook to keep up to date, Elizabeth has at last agreed to create a Facebook page for her Yoga Classes! You can find the page here or click on the image above or simply search for “Elizabeth Kerwin Yoga” when you’re on Facebook. We look forward to using the Facebook page in the same way this blog is used and will continue to be used – for news, updates, queries, musings, announcements and so on!